Orange Roulette How To Win
Here you can request a free analysis that tells you how profitable our roulette strategy is on any wheel. This gives you an idea of whether or not your local casino’s wheels are likely to be profitable.
How it works
Step 1: First submit the below form with data from your casino’s wheels.
Step 2: I enter your data into the JAA software, and it runs a simulation to give a “wheel rating” that tells us how profitable the wheel is. The rating is explained below.
Knowing how profitable the wheel is

There are two parts to the “wheel ratings” as explained below:
The roulette odds simply tell you how often you can expect to win if the accuracy of your bet selection is no better than random. If you apply advantage play methods that use physics to predict the winning number, then the odds change, although generally the player edge becomes the focus. is a brand owned by Marketplay LTD, orange roulette download a company incorporated under the laws of Malta. The games on this website are powered and operated by Aspire Global International LTD. Aspire Global International LTD (or 'The Company') is a company registered in Malta for the purposes of operating online games and mobile application games with orange roulette.
Part 1: The Wheel Rating
This tells you how profitable the wheel is. It is expressed as a percentage between 1 – 100%. Below is an explanation of the wheel ratings:
59% or less (Unacceptable): Wheel not profitable or edge too slight to be worthwhile (70% of wheels have this rating).
60 – 65% (Barely Acceptable):You will likely profit, but not much and you can find more worthwhile wheels (10% of wheels have this rating).
66 – 70% (Acceptable): You will likely achieve worthwhile profits for your time and effort (5% of wheels have this rating)
71 – 75% (Good): You can expect profits to be steady and reliable (5% of wheels have this rating).
76 – 80% (Very Good):You are likely to have a strong edge and achieve high profits (5% of wheels have this rating).
81%+ (Excellent): Patterns are very strong and beating this wheel should be very easy (5% of wheels have this rating)
Part 2: The “Rating Reliability”
This tells us how sure the software is about the wheel rating.
For a wheel to be “safe to play” for reasonably assured profit, neither part of the rating can be red (they both must be orange or green). The possible values are:
Very Poor
Very Good
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How do I know you aren’t just giving a false high rating?
If you later have full access to the software, you can do the test yourself and will see its the same rating.
Q. How accurate is the rating?
The first part of the rating tells you how strong patterns are (how profitable the wheel is), and the second part tells you how reliable the rating will be. So you will have a “wheel rating” and “rating reliability”. Basically as long as both are either orange or green, and neither are red, then you can safely play on the wheel.
Q. What proportion of wheels can be beaten in modern casinos?
Approximately 70% of wheels in modern casinos can be beaten one way or another. The system beats 30-35% of modern wheels in casino conditions.
Q. How many spins should I submit?
You should have between 150 – 300 spins per direction. So if your wheel spins both directions, you will have 150-300 spins for clockwise, and 150-300 spins for anti-clockwise. You must submit the form once for each direction.
Q. Do I need to collect so many spins every time I play?
NO. You only collect this many spins ONCE per wheel. You can then resume play on each day after 10-20 verification spins to ensure the wheel hasn’t changed.
NOTE: The full JAA software requires specific information about each spin. Exactly what data it needs for a full analysis is only explained to actual players. The data you need for this test is significantly more simplistic, but the downside is we are simulating a less effective version of the system. For example, a 60% rating with this simplistic version may be a 80% rating with the full system. Nevertheless, testing this simplistic system is usually more than sufficient to demonstrate effectiveness.
Instructions for submitting test spins:
1. Enter one spin per line.
2. Each spin will consist of two numbers separated by a comma.
3. You usually get much better results if you test ONE DIRECTION at a time.
Example 1:
Assume the following variables:
– We’re playing on a single 0 European wheel.
– The PREVIOUS winning number is 0
– On the spin we are tracking, the wheel spins CLOCKWISE
– the CURRENT winning number is 32
Orange Roulette Annoying Orange
… then the spin would be CLOCKWISE and 0,32
Example 2:

– We’re playing on a single 0 European wheel.
– The PREVIOUS winning number is 32
– On the spin we are tracking, the wheel spins CLOCKWISE
– the CURRENT winning number is 14
… then the spin would be CLOCKWISE and 32,14
Example 3:
– We’re playing on a single 0 European wheel.
– The PREVIOUS winning number is 2
– On the spin we are tracking, the wheel spins ANTI-CLOCKWISE
– the CURRENT winning number is 19
… then the spin would be ANTI-CLOCKWISE and 2,19
So essentially all you’re doing is writing down where the ball came to rest on one spin, then separated by a comma, write down where the ball landed next. This is NOT to do with the point at which the croupier releases the ball – it is simply one winning number and the next.