Aspire One D250 Memory Slots

  1. Acer Aspire One D250
  2. Acer Aspire One D250 1026

So I've been traveling with my Aspire One D250 for the past 5 days, and its been great. Its a lot less strain on my shoulders lugging around this thing than lugging around my 17 inch Dell Vostro. One of the things that has really kind of chafed me though was that it only came with 1Gb of ram. Acer Aspire One (D250) Without a doubt, compatibility is the most important factor in buying a memory upgrade for your laptop or computer. Your RAM must be compatible with your system —. Baby laptop netbook thing - Acer Aspire One D270 DKK (6-cell battery model). 1GB RAM seems to be bottleneck in performance since it's running Windows 7 and I like to keep a lot of browser tabs open. 2GB memory chip seems to be cheap these days, but I'm having trouble figuring out which one to get. On the sticker on my netbook, it says DDR3 memory.

Acer Aspire One D250

FAQ & Answers

Aspire One D250 Memory Slots

Acer Aspire One D250 1026

  • I have a D270 and yes it is upgradable to 2GB of RAM - I have doen it. As you may know, there is only one slot so you have to buy a 2GB stick and disgard the 1GB. The job is a bit fiddly but there is a movie on youtube showing how to do it. I don't have the link handy just now but a search should bring it up. Try this

    Good luck with the upgrade, it is worth it.

  • Hi Colin...thanks for the info...I`ll give it a go !

  • With some changes to Windows 7 Starter more memory is possible. I have 4GB installed on mine.
  • alasdair555 can you give more information regarding the changes to the windows 7 starter i have been searching online and only find the ram upgradeable to 2gb. please elaborate cos you are the first i see who says its possable to upgrade to 4gb

  • Ok, so the basic information for this method is on this website:

    The actual source for the software now is on a different site now, although if you are confident of making the changes yourself then use the instuctions from the first site:

    I have used this successfully with no problems, but of course if this causes your computer to give you white smoke I'm not responsible.

    If you have any further problems feel free to ask, and I will try and help if I can, but I am not a computer or programming expert, I simply search for solutions and follow the instructions...

  • thanks aye, i will have a look at those sites and see how it goes from there

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  • Hi! colin316, can you give me the specs of the RAM you used on the Aspire One D270? (MHz, rank, ecc/non-ecc/ cl7/cl9...). I want to upgrade mine too.